Yash Gaur born and brought up in a business family ofBALRAMPUR (Uttar Pradesh, INDIA) he received his schooling from the same town.His writing has been published in mny leding newspapers of India and variousezines. His dad is a well recognized writer himselfand grandpa was a novelist too. His first poem came in light when heaccidently made his mom cry and wrote his feelings on a piece of paper. .whenlater caught, he refused to accept that it was his self written but when hisdad appreciated for the work, he finally said a yes and probably that was a yesfor his writing journey. His debut novel ‘NOT AN END FOR LOVE’ willbe in the markets very soon. He completed his graduation from SRM UNIVERSITY,Chennai as a media student & is a freelance writer actively involved insocial work just to make a difference perhaps.
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