Title: 2168 – The Darkness
Author: Ruster Keaton
ISBN: 978-93-83306-52-7
Price: INR 950
About the Book: This is a chronicle based on the personal witness accounts of Ruster Keaton. Keaton encounters some of humanities’ most dangerous criminals and relates the events that follow. He observed these events, unseen, a shadow of shadows, recording the tiniest detail of what he saw at the time. This book does not foretell a future. It simply records events at a point of time in the future, one particular year in the future. A path breaking, life changing year for many. The adventures are at locations in Catalan, Ghana, Uganda, Mongolia and other countries. Keaton has paid great attention to the food at the time, not having sampled such fare previously. Given a choice and in hindsight, Keaton would have preferred not to be there, not to witness the horrific events of 2168. But did he really have a choice? Not so, thought historians, David Kinch and Prof. Borislav. As Prof. Borislav remarked, history does have a very good reason for repeating itself.