Minds @ Work 4

519bXvBoHgL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Minds @ Work 3

1. Susmit Sarkar
2. Surbhi Thukral
3. Barkha Parikh
4. Purba Chakroborty
5. Dr Waseem Malla
6. Rohan Acharya
7. Satyananda Sarangi
8. Divya Bandodkar
9. Heena Ahuja
10. Anuja Bhatia
11. Lovita J R Morang
12. Debasish Mishra
13. Iram Fatima ‘Ashi’
14. Ibironke Oluwatobi
15. Arna Sarka

ISBN: 9789383306312

Genre: Anthology

Year Of Publication: 2015

No Of Pages: 122

MRP: INR 580

About the Book : An Anthology of Short stories and Poems bringing together aspiring writers from three countries.

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