Title: Minds @ Work 2
Author: Ila Garg, Barkha Parikh, Prateek Singh, Vijayeta Tirkey Kataria, Anjali Khurana, Yaseen Anwer, Neelam Saxsena Chandra, Janaki Nagaraj, Lovita J. R. Morang, Shalini Katyal, Sanhita Baruah, Aman Jakhar, Sandhita Agarwal, Rajdeep Kosode, Waseem Malla, Sadia Khan, Ankita Srivastava, Nikhil Chandwani, Rohan Kachalia, Nehali Lalwani, Soham Majumdar, Renu Sethi, Meghant Parmar, Surbhi Thukral, Shewta Kesari
ISBN: 9789383306060
Genre: Anthology> Poetry
Year Of Publication: 2014
No Of Pages: 208
MRP: INR 180
About the Book : An Anthology of poems. Literature and literary books are very hard to find these days but First Step Publishing has gathered some interesting talent. This book had a tough time assembling writers selecting 25 Poets out ofthe 300+ entries received. The Selected writers truly deserve an applause and are deserving enough to be a part of Minds at Work 2. Poets coming from allwalks of life, Doctors, Engineers, Bankers, Students, Homemakers, Previously published poets and many to be published for the first time. Minds at Work is an annual book by First Step Publishing working towards its Motto Paving ways for New Writers.
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