Hearts Planet
Title: Hearts Planet
Author: Shilpa Dhar
ISBN: 978-93-83306-47-3
Price: INR 145
About the Book: It’s a journey of a girl from the existence to the oblivion… A young teenager from the valley who believed in nothing but science and its miracles. Until some mysterious happenings make her plunge into the realms unheard before…
Heart’s Planet by First Step Publishing
She walks on a beautiful path of self-realization which unfolds many untouched domains of her life. “If I was a name, my life would have been famous in fake fame, but the letter ‘I’ is not just a name but an aim in itself.” A tunnel that makes you look at light of the universe from the other end, but what you realise at the end of the journey is that the entire experience within the tunnel was just to meet your unexplored self within.
An adventurous journey of a teenage girl with her brother into the unknown world. Her quest for science takes her to the unexplored realms of universe. Perhaps, what unfolds in the end is the journey that leads to a new beginning.