Title: Minds @ Work
Author: Siddhi Aras, Ambrish Surve, Aseem Rastogi, Susma Sharma Gurumayum, Sugandha Bhandhari, Pragya Chaturvedi, Paulami Duttagupta, YashGaur, Rohit Shetty
ISBN: 978-81-922670-7-4
Genre: Fiction Anthology
Year Of Publication: 2013
No Of Pages: 72
MRP: INR 120
About the Book : An Anthology of Prose and Verse gathered togethervide an online forum and select few have been made a part of this venture byFirst Step Publishing
About the Author/s:
Siddhi Aras
Perky, enthusiastic and gregarious areadjectives that tend to best define Siddhi’s personality. She is a management professorby profession but her inclination and passion has always been only towardswriting. Right from her early childhood she was always fond of scribbling downsome words in her secret diary. Going to college she made her scribblinglargely public as she began writing for her college magazine. The biggest jumpwas when she joined JAM magazine and knew that it was an ultimate opportunitythat had knocked at her doorstep. She made it point to expose herself todifferent beats and writing styles and enjoyed a wonderful 16 monthsassociation with them. Apart from penning down words for stories poetry hadalways remained her favorite pastime and she had a strong desire and urge ofmaking her work reach out to millions of people which she is seeing coming truenow.
Ambrish Surve
Ambrish Vilas Surve has been writing forpast 12 years, but it was on and off. Ambrish is a B.com Gradute,Professionally working for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 as Technical Consultant.Ambrish likes to pen down his feelings and his experience, then convert theminto poetry.
Aseem Rastogi
Aseem grew up in Muscat and after movingacross India for a couple of years as part of his education, he currently worksas a Consultant in Hyderabad. He has worked on digital media projects for HCLLtd and Silicon India among others, done quite a bit of professional bloggingand has also written a few short stories.
Besides writing, he enjoys reading andsinging. His biggest claim to fame is getting published with the short storyanthology “Down the Road” by Grey Oak Publishers.
The satirical essay “Bollywood onCollege campuses” and the short story “An Opportunity” werepublished in this book.
Susma Sharma Gurumayum
Susma loves reading and writing. Herreading list includes almost everything under the sun. Historical fictions areher favourites. This perhaps shows her love for both literature and history.
Few of her poems have been published incertain national and international anthologies. and few others have beenpublished in national and online magazines. Poems, to Susma are a medium ofletting one’s heart out in the form of verses, only a few lines says a lot.
Sugandha Bhandhari
Don’t classify me as a poet, or a writer,or an artist. First, I am just a lover of life and its largesse. Nonetheless I have been wielding the holyquill since age 11, starting with my poetry being published in leading Indiandailies like Pioneer, HT, and TOI at the weepy age of 11, since then I’ve notlooked back. I am a professional blogger and intend to jump into publication aspeople have shown love for my writing and blog and a lot of encouragement formy “Bard” ish instincts. Myhope, love, and life lies in poetry, and publication is just a way to make surepeople can reach out and touch my experiences. OK, now the practical stuff, yesI am a human being (not an alien as the above stuff may imply), pushing to 30,live in New Delhi and working in the IT industry since the last 6 years, amarketing professional, a qualified MBA from one of the top Indian B’schools andan Economics Graduate from Delhi University. I also love to sing, dance, dopublic speaking, debating, creative writing and creative arts, love reading andtravelling, eating is also a huge hobby and I love discovering new eateriesevery weekend.
Pragya Chaturvedi
Pragya Chaturvedi, 18 years old, is a poet,writer, book-lover,philosopher, dreamer and believer. Interested in almosteverything,she lives with the vast ambition to see every creation and tasteevery delicacy there is in this world. Every piece of blank paper is anirresistable temptation that drives her to spill the emotions and imaginationsof her young heart over it. She is crazy enough to believe that she can changethe world. Her work has been published in the international anthologies, ‘TheSurvivor’sGuide to Bedlam’ and 4 Volumes of ‘Reflections on a Blue Planet’. She haswritten numerous articles in national newspapers such as Hindustan Times, FreePress etc. She was honoured as ‘Young Writer of the Town of Dewas’ on 10thJuly, 2011
Paulami Duttagupta
Writing has been a deep rooted passion fora while. What started as a journey of writing articles in college and DurgaPuja souvenirs, led to feature
writing with The Shillong Times and TheGuwahati- Shillong Plus edition of The Times of India.
Born and brought up in Shillong, andschooled in Loreto Convent and an English Honours from St Edmunds college; Ilater came down to Kolkata to pursue Comparative Literature from JadavpurUniversity.Indian television has been particularly dear to me. Being part ofthe industry has not onlyhelped me in professional growth but has spearheadedmy writing. My first self published book was actually a product of my soapwatching routine. My first novella is all set to be published this winter.Presently into film scripts and research for a living, I read a lot of Indiancontemporary writers. Amongst the legends Jane Austin and Thomas Hardy arefavourites. Sufi music is something close to my heart and so is Bollywood. I aman avid follower of the game of cricket and an ardent fan of Rahul Dravid. Thisstory is actually of my own. I had really wanted to pursue engineering in my8-9th standard. But my adoration for Dravid increased and getting into mediabecame an absolute need. Lost I took up Literature and started my stint withRadio as a student.
Later Newspapers and television happened but never reallygot a chance to work with him. Did get a chance to watch him in Eden Gardensthough. Julie is
my imagination, her character is actually a realization of mydreams. And am sure like her I would also get to work with my hero some day.
Born and brought up in a business family ofBALRAMPUR (Uttar Pradesh, INDIA) he received his schooling from the same town.His writing has been published in mny leding newspapers of India and variousezines.
His dad is a well recognized writer himselfand grandpa was a novelist too.
His first poem came in light when heaccidently made his mom cry and wrote his feelings on a piece of paper. .whenlater caught, he refused to accept that it was his self written but when hisdad appreciated for the work, he finally said a yes and probably that was a yesfor his writing journey.
His debut novel ‘NOT AN END FOR LOVE’ willbe in the markets very soon. He completed his graduation from SRM UNIVERSITY,Chennai as a media student & is a freelance writer actively involved insocial work just to make a difference perhaps.
Rohit Shetty
Born and brought up in Mumbai, Academicallya Chemical Engineer. Rohit had that urge in writing since childhood and dreamtof being a published writer. Initially he penned down his emotions, unsaidemotions rather in form of free verses, which slowly build up incollection. As one of his poems quotes
The longest journey ever taken,
Starts from a single mile
And one day at a time will change
The worthless to worthwhile.
The above lines truly represent the journeyof Rohit in the field of writing. Beginning with winning a few of contests heslowly became a name to reckon with in the publishing field.
Rohit is an author of a poetry book titledSilent Voices published in the year 2011 by Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltdand also an author of a series of four books titled Breaking Silencepublished by First Step Publishing in the year 2012. Rohit is also a part of ananthology of poems titled Colours published by First Step Publishing.
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